Daphne Abdela & Christopher Vasquez: A bored little rich girl and her lackey boyfriend are on the prowl in Central Park, looking for someone to kill.
Sean Pica: What if a close friend asked you to murder her father? What if she claimed that he’d been sexually abusing her for years?
Rafael Solich: He was the weird kid in class, the one who dressed all in black and claimed to be a Satanist. All of his classmates avoided him. They were wise to.
Anthony Santo: There’s a serial killer loose on the streets of New York – and he’s just 14 years old.
Brandon McInerney: Pushed to the edge by the constant, unwanted sexual advances of a male classmate, a teenager decides to arm himself. Tragedy ensues.
Rickie & Danny Preddie: Barely into their teens, the Preddie brothers were already hardened criminals. They also committed one of Britain’s most high-profile murders.
Jennifer Tombs: Problem child Jennifer was an embarrassment of her mom, the local pastor. Embarrassment does not even begin to cover what she did next.
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