Sunday 2 August 2020

Dead Men Walking Volume 5

Some killers get away with murder. Others pay the ultimate price.

50 American killers who were put to death for their horrendous deeds, including;

Samuel Flippen: Executed for the brutal murder of his two-year-old stepdaughter. The child was beaten to death.

James Johnson: After a domestic disturbance, Johnson went on a rampage, killing three police officers and the wife of the police chief.

Kenneth Granviel: Raped and butchered five female members of the McClendon family, including a 2-year-old girl.

Marvallous Keene: The leader of a gang of miscreants, Keene led a three-day rampage over Christmas 1992, leaving eight people dead.

Alan Matheney: While serving a 2-year term for assaulting his ex-wife, Matheny was granted an 8-hour furlough. He used it to track down his ex and beat her to death.

Julius Young: Preacher who bludgeoned his girlfriend and her 6-year-old son to death after she ended their relationship.

Albert Clozza: Abducted a 13-year-old girl from a bookmobile. Raped and sodomized the child before beating her to death.

Marco Chapman: Hulking ex-con who attacked a friend of his girlfriend. The woman and her three young children all suffered multiple stab wounds.Two of the children died.

Teresa Lewis: Cheating wife who arranged the shotgun murders of her husband and stepson in order to cash in on an insurance policy.

Frederick Lashley: Habitual juvenile offender who murdered the only relative who would take him in, his 40-year-old cousin.

Plus 40 more riveting true crime cases. Click here to get your copy now

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Dead Men Walking Volume 5

Earl Richmond

They thought he was a friend. Someone who hadn’t taken sides during the messy divorce. Someone who remained close to Wayne Hayes, and still looked in on his former wife Helisa and the couple’s two children, Philip, 8, and Darien, 7. Someone who could be relied upon in time of need. But there were things that neither Wayne nor Helisa Hayes knew about their good buddy Earl Richmond. They did not know, for example, that Earl was a cold-blooded killer.


In April of 1991, the former army drill sergeant had stabbed, bludgeoned, and strangled a colleague, Army Specialist Lisa Ann Nadeau, leaving her hogtied corpse to be found by the authorities. That murder had been committed at Fort Dix, New Jersey and had still not been solved by November 1991 when Richmond struck again, this time closer to home.


On November 2, 1991, Richmond stopped at the home of Helisa Stewart Hayes, at the Sunshine Mobile Home Park in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Such visits were not uncommon, Richmond often popped in to say hi or to shoot the breeze. But this day would be different. On this day, Earl and Helisa got into an argument about her “messing around on” Wayne Hayes, her former husband.


That argument soon developed into a physical altercation, the altercation into a violent struggle. During the course of that struggle, Helisa slapped Richmond and he responded by punching her in the face, grabbing her by the hair, and dragging her into her bedroom where he threw her on the bed and raped her. He then put his hands on her throat and started applying pressure, increasing it until her face began to turn blue, her eyes to bulge, until her thrashing stopped and eventually she lay still. Then Richmond lifted himself from the dead woman, drew a few deep breaths to steady himself and headed for the door. The killing of Helisa Hayes had been a horrible act. It would pale significantly, compared to what he did next.


Philip and Darien had apparently not heard their mother’s screams or, if they had, they’d assumed that the screams were an extension of the argument she’d been having with their “Uncle Earl.” In any case, neither of the children had fled the trailer.


It was Phillip who Richmond found first. The little boy was obviously concerned about his mother’s wellbeing. He was lying on the floor in the hall outside her bedroom. Yanking the child to his feet, Richmond dragged him into the bathroom, where he picked up a pair of scissors and started stabbing him, inflicting over forty wounds before strangling the boy with an electrical cord. He then walked to Darien’s room, found her asleep on her bed and strangled her to death with the cord of a curling iron. Richmond then left the trailer, got into his car and drove away, leaving behind the bloodbath of his own creation.


Two days later, having been unable to raise his daughter on the phone, Helisa’s father arrived at the mobile home and had the profound misfortune of discovering the bodies of his loved ones. As the tragic news began to circulate among family and friends, no one appeared more distraught than Earl Richmond. When the Hayes family asked him to be a pall bearer at the joint funeral, he said that he would be humbled and honored. At the event itself, he wept bitterly. “What kind of a monster would do something like this?” he was heard to cry. What kind of a monster, indeed.


Richmond was not initially a suspect in the investigation, with the police focusing their attention on Helisa’s father and on her current boyfriend. It would be three months before detectives learned that Richmond had visited the trailer park on the day of the murders. Brought in for questioning, he initially denied being there. Then he admitted that he had visited Helisa and the children but insisted that they’d been alive and well when he’d left. Finally, after semen lifted from Helisa’s body produced a match to his DNA, he broke down and confessed.


Earl Richmond was indicted on three counts of first-degree murder on July 6, 1992. He was convicted and sentenced to death in May 1995. During the interceding period, he had also been found guilty of the Nadeau murder, receiving a life sentence without parole in New Jersey. He was put to death by lethal injection on May 6, 2005.  

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